This course introduces the basic concepts and techniques of remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS). Remote sensing is the science of acquiring information about the Earth’s surface without being in direct contact with it. GIS is a system of hardware, software, and data that allows you to store, analyze, and display spatial information. You will learn how to use remote sensing and GIS tools to collect, process, and interpret spatial data for various applications.
Some of the topics covered in this course are:
- The electromagnetic spectrum and its interaction with the Earth’s surface
- The principles and types of remote sensing sensors and platforms
- The methods and software for processing and analyzing remote sensing images
- The concepts and components of GIS
- The techniques and software for creating and manipulating GIS data
- The integration of remote sensing and GIS for spatial analysis and modeling
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
- Explain the basic concepts and terminology of remote sensing and GIS
- Identify and select appropriate remote sensing and GIS data sources for different purposes
- Perform basic operations on remote sensing and GIS data using various software tools
- Apply remote sensing and GIS methods to solve real-world problems in various domains
I hope you enjoy this course and learn a lot from it. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact me or post them on the course forum. Happy learning! 😊
- Učitel: Syzenko Oleh